Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, our first long flight was one of "those" flights. It began with a toddler shitting itself in the row behind us during takeoff. Excellent. The family was Dutch, and if there is such a social class as "white trash" to the Dutch I'm pretty sure these guys would be it! Not to fault the toddler for poor timing, after all, that probably wasn't his master plan. So it was a stinky take off for me, and the only one more annoyed was the guy sitting across the row from me right in front of the kid. I felt very connected to this guy as he cringed while the toddler screamed what I only can imagine was the Dutch word "clean" over and over again until the seat belt restriction was lifted.
Oh but it gets better.
Once the seat belt restriction is lifted, the mother stands in the aisle, and proceeds to clean and re-diaper her child there in his seat. Fantastic.
Mandy later defends this act by saying, "have you been in an airplane bathroom? There isn't enough room to change a child." Which may be the case, however this doesn't help alleviate the stench of toddler poo in such close quarters.
Incidentally, Mandy's sinuses are so clogged she lacks the sense of smell right now. Ya rly.
But, the poop wasn't that big of a deal, even the second diaper change was excusable... But who let's their kids babble "la la la la la" at the top of their lungs for 3 hours on a international flight? To the point where a flight attendant has to say something? I mean, really? Really?
The other bit of fun was the guy behind us leaving his shade open for the whole flight. It was a flight at times like something out of a movie. Literally the only guy with his shade open, while the entire rest of the plane was trying to watch movies or sleep, was sitting behind us. The one lone beam of sunlight shining directly in our light sensitive LCD screens, making our screens practically black, while an astounding "la la la la la" Dutch babble roars on behind us. Good times.
Here is where I would like to point out that Americans are supposed to be the inconsiderate, rude travelers. Neither of these heinous offenders were American mind you! Lol!
So, I sit and type this on my iPhone in Amsterdam waiting for our flight to Delhi. I'm on my iPhone because it's 3 euro for 15 minutes of Internet. I'll not send this till India because the free airport Internet mysteriously doesn't work on my phone. I could say it's my iPhones fault, but I'm not sure, I have a sneaky suspicion if I had a password to one of the pay services, they would work.
My only thoughts about Amsterdam are that whatever language they speak here sounds made up. I believe they are speaking real words, they just all sound like things I would say to make fun of their language. But, it's really what they sound like! I mean no disrespect by that, I'm sure our language sounds ridiculous to them. Take the word bubblegum. Sound it out. You gotta admit, that sounds ridiculous.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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